The Hidden Gospel

The Hidden Gospel:

Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Aramaic Jesus

by Neil Douglas-Klotz

The Hidden Gospel of Jesus is . . .

not buried in the sands,
not locked in a secret library,
not being channeled by a new messiah.

The Hidden Gospel is in plain sight. We find it in Jesus familiar sayings newly translated from Aramaic, the Middle Eastern language he actually spoke. For the first time in 2000 years, now we may be able to learn what Jesus really meant to teach. What emerges is a hopeful, nurturing, and very contemporary spiritual message. Neil Douglas-Klotz’s lucid commentary guides us in applying Jesus ancient wisdom to our lives today. Each chapter includes medita-tive exercises and body prayers so that we may directly experience the life-changing spiritual practice of Jesus original mystical tradition.

Neil Douglas-Klotz, Ph.D., internationally known scholar of religious studies and psychology, is author of Prayers of the Cosmos andDesert Wisdom. A former departmental head of comparative spirituality at Holy Names College in California, he now lectures worldwide. He is a member of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature and leads the Sister/Brotherhood work of the International Federation for the Sufi Message. He lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, where he directs the Edinburgh Institute for Advanced Learning.

See a list of the body prayers that appear in the book – download this as a FREE PDF DOWNLOAD


“This book is a gift to all those wanting to enter into the spirit of the historical Jesus and the mystic Christ. By honoring the people of Jesus land and their poetic language, it brings a needed balance to the historical Jesus movement. It undoes rigid and dualistic translations of the Christian Scriptures and thereby awakens, challenges, and makes fresh the Good News that, after all these centuries, is still news.”

Matthew Fox, president of the University of Creation Spirituality in Oakland, California; co-chair of Naropa Oakland; and author of Original Blessing and The Coming of the Cosmic Christ

“Neil Douglas-Klotz’s reinterpretations of well-known phrases are insightful, penetrating, and in some cases dazzling. This book will change the way many people read the New Testament.”

Leonard Shlain, M.D., author of The Alphabet versus the Goddess: The Conflict between Word and Image

QuestBooks, 222 pages.  ISBN:0-8356-0780-1  Kindle edition also available.

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The Hidden Gospel: Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Aramaic Jesus

The Hidden Gospel: Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Aramaic Jesus

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