Hampton Roads February 2025, 224 pages
Living with… Jesus Before Christianity
A meditation a day, an oracle, a guide for 40 days of revelation.
Dive in, get wet, and swim around.
To find the spiritual way of the Aramaic Jesus means experiencing life from a revolutionary, revelatory point of view.
In ancient Southwest Asia (the “Middle East”), people considered forty days to be the time one needs to receive a genuine inspiration or vision, to release an entrenched memory, or to make a radical change. For instance, Moses spent forty days on the mountain top, and Yeshua spent forty days in the wilderness following his baptism by John.
Each day has a short, guided contemplation that invites you to make the “thought for a day” into more than that—something you experience within and around you in your life, then act upon. Various themes appear and reappear, like musical motifs. They open the opportunity for light and insight to appear suddenly. Trying to “figure things out” tends to push such experiences away. The contemplations, which use breathing, sound, and body awareness, are essential to receiving the full benefit of what Yeshua is offering us.
You can also use the appendices or index to look for particular subjects, then follow one particular thread, for instance, sayings on light. The book is meant to spark your intuition. Don’t worry about “doing it right” or needing to know the exact pronunciation of Aramaic words. These are both well-known diversions from Yeshua’s heart path.
Neil talking about the book on “Next Level Soul” (ignore sensational headline, decent interview!)
Neil Douglas-Klotz, award-winning author of Prayers of the Cosmos and The Hidden Gospel
Neil Douglas-Klotz, bestselling author of Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus offers new translations from Jesus’s native language in the form of a meditation a day, an oracle, or a guide for a 40 day retreat.
Through expansions of Aramaic’s multiple meanings as well as guided contemplations, The Aramaic Jesus Book of Days provides a path to transformation through the way of the prophet.
It shows how the deepest teachings of Jesus address contemporary challenges, such as our relationships with nature and each other, as well as the purpose of life itself.
In short chapters, the book takes up the life themes you’re facing and offers meditations to address them. Each chapter is introduced with a short saying and keyword of Jesus, heard with “Aramaic ears,” and then proceeds to show how this applies to a life issue today. This book offers a unique perspective on Jesus’s teachings that can help you to connect with them on a deeper level and live a more authentic, fulfilling, and compassionate life.
From the Introduction
“This book is dedicated to readers who wish to grow into their full humanity now, rediscovering how to unite inner and outer life in harmony, finding the “Cosmic Christ” within and around them. If some of us do this, it can open a new way for human beings to survive and even thrive in the future.”
What people say about
Neil’s Aramaic Jesus work
All of my life, I’ve felt a spiritual connection to Jesus the teacher, but the religion of my childhood felt incomplete and disconnected. I found myself alone, without a community and unable to articulate what I felt was missing. The Way of the Aramaic Jesus course has helped me find a way to explore the words of Jesus as he would’ve actually spoken them, helping me to clear a path forward and away from the conventions that have contained his words in translations I often sensed were not Jesus’ original intent. I feel renewed, excited, and joyful.
Neil is an amazing wealth of knowledge. Through his insightful discussions and the sharing of ancient traditions and language, you are made to feel like you’re getting to know Yeshua personally. Neil helps you reflect on the beauty and power of your heart by learning about the purest heart to grace our world.
For me, the biggest shift was in realizing that my spiritual life was growing. I really feel that my mind/brain has expanded/opened more fully. I’ve always been a quiet, contemplative person and now I find myself expressing my thoughts and feelings very freely. Very liberating. Thank you so much for this gift.
I have always had a deep love for Jesus, but organized religion fell short of what my heart told me about him and God. The instructor, through explaining this ancient culture and the ancient Semitic languages, removed the barriers so I could fully experience what Jesus’ words most likely meant. I am so thankful for Neil’s work.
New 11-week course
beginning January 9, 2024
- Yeshua’s ways of healing, heart clearing, and body-based spirituality
- From the Beatitudes in Matthew and Luke (first time in any course)
- Plus: ‘miracles’ in the Gospel of Mark; his inner way of transmission in the Gospels of Thomas, Mary Magdalene and Phillip.
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