Abwoon Circles

Abwoon Circles

Abwoon Circles:
Starting a Local Group

by Elizabeth A. Reed, Ph.D.

In the foreward to this book, Neil Douglas-Klotz observes:  “We have a unique opportunity right now to assist a sea-change in the consciousness of humanity by joining together, beyond religious distinctions and differences, to share that deep peace which is called by many different names in many different traditions. With the Middle Eastern traditions at the centerpoint of the world’s awareness, those of us with experience in these traditions can take a bold step for humanity beyond the ethnic, racial, religious and nationalistic separations of the past.”

For many years, Abwoon networkers have received requests for help in using the books and resources by Neil Douglas-Klotz in small local study groups. Oftentimes when someone encounters the Abwoon work – whether through exposure to the academic and mystical approach to translation, hearing Aramaic words or chanted melodies, or experiencing body prayer as spiritual practice – it sparks the deep desire to share this work with others. This new resource — Abwoon Circles: Starting a Local Group — is designed to help the beginner or experienced learner share this work through small local study and spiritual practice groups.

The book includes detailed lesson plans focused on Abwoon resources to use as written or as ideas to help you create individualized sessions for your local group. Included are models based upon each of Neil Douglas-Klotz’s published writings and recordings produced to date.

This guidebook features:

  • 22 group models
  • Multiple lesson plans for most resources
  • Cross-reference tables for selected resources
  • Insights and suggestions from experienced Abwoon Circle Leaders


It also includes special topics such as:

  • Key questions to consider when organizing a local group
  • Ideas for opening and closing rituals
  • Using Abwoon resources in interspiritual groups
  • Introducing and using Abwoon resources in Christian churches
  • Abwoon Circles and their relationships with the Dances of Universal Peace


“We need to find new ways to form communities. If you feel moved to this work, even if you don’t think you have any skills or experience, simply begin. This manual gives you many different ways to start. Inspiration and creative guidance will show you the rest.” 

 Neil Douglas-Klotz, Ph.D.,  from the Foreword to Abwoon Circles: Starting a Local Group

Open Arms Publishing (Shalem Center), 320 pages.

ISBN 978-1-4243-3422-3

Paperback,$ 20.00