In less than two weeks, on February 26-27, I will be doing a weekend retreat with Tasnim Fernandez, entitled “Illuminating the Shadow.” Details and online registration here.

A week later, on Sunday March 6, I will share an online day on the Aramaic Prayer of Jesus at the beginning of Lent, sponsored by organizers from the German and Swiss Networks for the Dances of Universal Peace. The day is entitled “Breathing Life into the 21st Century.” We will be chanting and meditating with the prayer as a method for helping our world. In English with German translation.  Details and online registration here.

Finally, on Sunday, March 20, I will be sharing a day with the Hummingbird Wasifa Caravan, Maboud Charles and Tara Andrea, entitled “Intimacy with the Real,” exploring various of the asma al husna, the “Beautiful Names of Allah.”  Details and online registration here.

Hoping you can join us for one of more of these…all are by freewill donation. Pre-registration is required to attend as well as to receive the recordings.

All the best, Neil