Hi Friends,

I have no staff or “people” and maintain this site myself. To the best of my ability and the extent of my time, I answer all email in which I believe I can help with the assistance required.

Before you use the “Contact Us” form below, please see if your question can be answered by any of the following.

Thanks for your interest in this work!

Yours in peace,


Permission to reprint material or re-record melodies or chants

Requests for permission to reprint my published work in another book or publication, including a website: Most of these requests need to go to the publishers of my various books: Harper One, Quest, Penguin USA, Sounds True, or the foreign language publishers. See also The Chicago Manual of Style for the legal rules on quotation of copyrighted material in a publication. For permission to re-record my music (licensed by PRS for Music) or to reprint from the books Desert Wisdom or Original Meditation, please use the Contact Us form below.

Requests for translation

Because of other ongoing work, I am not responding to personal requests for translations from English or any modern Western language into Syriac Aramaic. Sorry! I am willing to help with some research projects from colleagues. Please use the Contact Us form.

Problems with audio downloads

First, please read the information on the Downloads page here. The most common source of problems is not knowing where the downloads page or folder is on your computer. The .zip file archives in which the audio files are held must be downloaded to a computer first, then transferred to your other digital device, cell or mobile phone.

Finding a particular resource

One of our volunteers has made themselves available for finding a resource in Neil’s books or on his audio or video recordings. Contact them here.  Or leave a phone message at: 1-614-429-4009.

Joining my email list

For advance notice of my events and publications–you can join my email list via the form at the very bottom of the page or on the home page. Since I do not have a staff, I only go where invited and where a person has a venue and ability to organise the proposed event.

Updates on the News Blog on this site

You can receive an email notification every time I publish an update. Usually this is for upcoming events (also listed on the home page). Use the form below to subscribe:


Contact Us