Registration closes on Friday….

How can we reclaim our original nature (called fitra in the Qur’an and “original nature” in Zen) when the artificial is all around us? It seems we are constantly looking for clarity and “meaning” in distorted mirrors.

Tasnim Fernandez and I are offering a retreat devoted to one of the most pressing challenges of our time: our individual and collective behaviour towards each other, nature and the unseen world. It is also one of the deepest pathways (and “rabbit holes”) of the heart, addressed in many traditions. Join us as we explore “Our sacred origin, our original nature and the Pygmalion syndrome.”

May 28-29, again open to all, freewill donations requested but not required. Recordings sent to all who register in advance, even if you cannot attend live.

This is my last weekend retreat, online or offline, until the autumn…

Details and online registration here.