Beginnings: A Modern Oratorio

Inspired by The Shared Creation Stories of the Middle East

A Musical Collaboration by Neil Douglas-Klotz, Abraham Sussman and Friends.

This CD is a companion to the book The Genesis Meditations for listening, contemplation and movement. Voice, guitars, violin, hand drums, piano, flute, cello, bass, accordian, horns and harp.

Warning: The mp3 files here are in a digital archive (.zip), which cannot be downloaded directly to smartphones, iPads, Chromebooks or tablets. Download your choice to a PC or Mac computer first and then transfer the files to your phone or portable device. Please verify that your equipment is capable of downloading and playing standard mp3 files. Please determine first where–into which folder or location–your computer downloads files. Usually your internet browser will tell you or ask you where they should go.

Listen to samples:

Wa ruach Elohim

Nahaseh adam

(*Any remaining stock of the original CD can be purchased by enquiring at:

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