Native Middle Eastern Cycle: Guitar and Drum Demonstration video

Native Middle Eastern Cycle: Guitar and Drum Demonstration video

Native Middle Eastern Cycle: Guitar and Drum Demonstration video Join with Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz as he chants and demonstrates guitar chords and strumming styles to the Native Middle Eastern Cycle. Neil is joined by percussionist Matin Mize as he demonstrates...
Original Meditation: Guitar and Drum Demonstration video

Original Meditation: Guitar and Drum Demonstration video

Original Meditation: Guitar and Drum Demonstration video with Neil Douglas-Klotz and Matin Mize (originally titled The Genesis Meditations). Join with Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz as he chants and demonstrates guitar chords and strumming styles to chants from the book...
Guitar and Drum Video set

Guitar and Drum Video set

The complete guitar and drum video set including Simple Presence, The Beatitude Way, The Aramaic Lord’s Prayer, Genesis Meditations and Native Middle Eastern Cycle. Warning: This video download is in .avi format, from the original DVD, together with the title...
Prayers of the Cosmos

Prayers of the Cosmos

Prayers of the Cosmos Teaching Audio A companion to the book, gives clear pronunciations of the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer and Beatitudes in language teaching style. It also contains musical melodies to both the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer and the Beatitudes for chanting,...