Simple Presence: Dancing “I Am” with the Aramaic Jesus

Native Middle Eastern Chant & Devotional Music

The “I Am” statements of Jesus from the Gospel of John, as viewed from Jesus’ native Aramaic language, point to a state of “simple presence”—a connection to the “I Am that I Am.” Each feeling or experience mentioned is a doorway to this connec tion.

This recording of Neil Douglas-Klotz’s music feathers of a live recording of the chants and music to a sequence of Dances of Universal Peace that use seven of these “I Am” statements in Aramaic. Listening to, chanting with and contemplating these chants can take the listener into the shem of Jesus—his vibration or atmosphere—and fulfill his advice to pray b’sheme (“with my light-sound-atmosphere”). Recorded in 1998 and 1999 in Quebec, Canada and Camp Miminagish, Montana, USA.

“The music for these chants was inspired by the process of doing multiple translations of the Aramaic words of Jesus for the book Desert Wisdom: Sacred Middle Eastern Writings from the Goddess through the Sufis (Harper SanFrancisco, 1995) between 1992-1994. Except for the last chant (Inana gepeta) all of the music and most of the Dances of Universal Peace that can help one to feel them came during this time period, while on personal retreat.  While finishing the book Hidden Gospel: Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Aramaic Jesus (Quest,1999), I returned to a meditation on the “I am’s” and was inspired to finish the other chants and group dances.  I am grateful to all of my friends who share this work through the various Abwoon Study Circles around the world and pray that releasing it in this form will help us all come a bit closer to our own sense of Simple Presence.” –Neil Douglas-Klotz


1. Inana raya thauba (John 10:11): “I am the good shepherd.” The “I Am” leads our flock of needs to fulfillment, at the right time and the right place. Open to being led, simple presence guides us to the ripe experiences for our lives. (Time: 11:43)

2. Inana lachma d’hayye (John 6:35): “I am the bread of life.” The “I Am” provides living food for all levels of existence. Simple Presence offers the bread of energy that feeds all beings. (Time:9:55)

3. Inana nuhre d’alma (John 8:12): “I am the light of the world.” The “I Am” illuminates all realms of being. Simple presence provides the understanding of life—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. (Time: 10:25)

4. Inana nuhama wa hayye (John 11:25): “I am the resurrection and the life.” The “I Am” raises us from the dead and gives living energy. Simple presence is the renewal after rest that revivifies all. (Time: 9:38)

5. Inana urha shrara wa hayye (John 14:6): “I am the way, the truth and the life.” The “I Am” provides a place to walk, shows us the right direction and gives the energy to travel. Simple presence is the road, the map and the fuel.

Followed without break by:

6. Inana thara (John 10:9): “I am the door.” The “I Am” is the door between the worlds. Simple presence conveys us through all changes of existence. Concluded with “Eth-phatah” (Mark 7:35): “Be opened! ”  from a healing of Yeshua. (Time: 15:41)

7.  Inana gepeta wa aton shibishta (John 15:1): “I am the vine and you are the branches.” The “I Am” is what gives and what receives it. Simple presence is both the flow and ebb of existence. (Time: 8:08)

Listen to samples:

Inana Raya Thauba

Inana Lachma D’hayye

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(*Any remaining stock of the original CD can be purchased by enquiring at:

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