Kahlil Gibran’s Little Book of Wisdom

Edited and with and introduction and notes by Neil Douglas-Klotz

One of the most popular and profound inspirational writers of all time shares simple wisdom for living a happy and fulfilling life.

The final book in the series, released September 1, 2019.

This book is a collection of Gibran’s words on how to live. Here are his thoughts on what it means to live in community and solitude and what gives life meaning, along with his often prescient views on government, organized religion, wealth, and commerce. Gibran’s sensibility feels contemporary. He did not recognize any ultimate authority outside of the human soul:

“It were wiser to speak less of God, whom we cannot understand and more of each other, whom we may understand.

This is the essential Gibran, with 88 selections organized into 5 sections that elucidate answers to the questions that each of us face:

  • Living a Wise Life
  • Community Wisdom
  • Wise Exchange
  • Wisdom from Solitude
  • Wisdom Beyond Words

This inspirational gift volume gently guides readers through life’s big issues: meaning and mortality, good and evil, and discovering an authentic spiritual path. It is a book that delights, informs, and inspires.

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