New Volunteer Position at Abwoon Resource Center for CD and DVD Legacy Fulfillment


We are happy to introduce Patricia Hume who will be handling the fulfillment of CD and DVD orders beginning in February.  This “legacy fulfillment” service will be handled once per week (generally on Wednesdays).   

Contact Patricia at her email address:

As a result of the technological age changing the face of the delivery of both printed and audio media, the Abwoon Resource Center will no longer be selling printed books.  There will be click through links at the Abwoon website (all the books are still listed, with images and descriptions) to take you to for online fulfillment for book orders.  It is no longer possible for small booksellers to compete with the large online retailers, however if you use the click through link to make a book purchase, a small donation will be made to Neil Dougals-Klotz with your purchase.  CDs can be purchased via digital downloads at the Abwoon website.  Hard copy CDs and DVDs that are Abwoon produced can still be purchased by contacting Patricia until they are sold out.