Webinar Saturday 1 March, Free to Register.
“I will be doing a webinar with my friends Maboud and Tara, bringing together their work with the “99 Beautiful Names” in the Sufi tradition with mine on the Aramaic Jesus (and also on further Sufi “beautiful names.”) – Neil
On Prayer and Transmission
With Neil Douglas-Klotz, Charles Maboud Swierkoscz and Tara Andrea Swierkoscz
Saturday 1 March on Zoom
0800-1100, North America West Coast
0900 – 1200 noon, Sante Fe, NM, USA
1000-1300 Central, 1100-1400 East
1600-1900 in Scotland, UK
(Check various world time clocks for the time in your area, such as: https://www.timeanddate.com/)
Within the living mystery of creation there is a transmission or current of love-light energy that is eternal. The ways in which we feel this energy and are magnetized by it results from our personal relationship with its presence. Prayer, in its myriads of forms, has been a way to connect and even merge with this flow of blessing.
The leaders will share their experiences and reflections of prayer and transmission. Maboud Charles and Tara Andrea will offer their attunement to the program’s theme by way of sharing wasifa-inspired dances that arise from their relationship with the Beautiful Names, asma ul husna, of the Sufi tradition. Neil will share examples and practices from his newly-released Aramaic Jesus Book of Days as well as his own work with the Beautiful Names in the Qur’an.
Free to register.
Donations welcome to support this work!
All who register will receive a link to the recording.