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“What Jesus Really Taught in His Native Aramaic”
“What Jesus Really Taught in His Native Aramaic”

“What Jesus Really Taught in His Native Aramaic” A Free Webinar:  Rebroadcast on May 11, at 11 am PDT, 12 noon Mountain, 1pm Central, 2 pm East, 7 pm UK, 8 pm Central ​Europe. With recording available if you register, even if you can't attend live. The recording will...

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London Seminar with Neil and Robert Holden
London Seminar with Neil and Robert Holden

Coming in three weeks.... 7-9 October 2023 Soul Purpose: Living an Inspired Life with timeless wisdom from the Aramaic Jesus and Mystical Christianity Sponsored by ALTERNATIVES3-Day Retreat in London UK with Neil Douglas-Klotz and Robert Holden Join Neil and Robert...

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New in the Abwoon Store
New in the Abwoon Store

The Breathing, Healing, Blessing Life of All: 12.5-hour, eight-session program on the Aramaic Prayer of Jesus  Audio/ Video Bundle   Recorded in a live international webinar in the autumn of 2020, Neil teaches one line  of the Aramaic Prayer (the "Lord's Prayer")...

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