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The Aramaic Words and Spirituality of Jesus

The Aramaic Jesus Book of Days (2025)

Best book addressing daily life challenges…

Released February 3, 2025

A meditation a day, an oracle, a guide for 40 days of revelation.

In ancient Southwest Asia (the “Middle East”), people considered forty days to be the time one needs to receive a genuine inspiration or vision, to release an entrenched memory, or to make a radical change. Each day contains a new translation from Yeshua’s words and a short, guided contemplation that invites you to make the “thought for a day” into more than that—something you experience within and around you in your life.

Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus (2022)

Best complete book for those who want to know more…

With a foreword by Matthew Fox

“Outstanding Book of 2022”

Paradigm Explorer, Scientific and Medical Network

Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus returns us to the original Aramaic of Jesus’s words, where the breath, the body, and the soul are part of a living wholeness in which nature and the divine are not separate.”
–Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee,
author of Prayer of the Heart in Christian and Sufi Mysticism.

The Hidden Gospel (1999)

The Hidden Gospel 

Best introduction… 

The Hidden Gospel is not buried in the sands, not locked in a secret library, not being channeled by a new “messiah.” The Hidden Gospel is in plain sight. We fine it in Jesus’ familiar words newly translated from Aramaic, the language he actually spoke.

The key Aramaic words and ideas found in  the canonical Gospel, plus a reverse glossary from King James English to its Aramaic equivalent. Body prayer contemplations throughout.

“Insightful, penetrating, dazzling.”Leonard Shlain

Original Meditation (2003, 2016)

Best book for Jesus’s links to what was before and after him…

Best Spiritual Book of 2003– Spirituality and Health Magazine

Uncovers the ancient form of  creation meditation that unites the three religions of the Middle East. An anthology of creation mysticism with new translations and body prayer meditations throughout.

“A brilliant scholar with heart whose words have the power to reconnect us to our sacred source.” —Joan Borysenko

By the time you finish this book, you are ready to join body, heart, mind and spirit into a healing wholeness—indeed the wholeness of Creation.
–Rabbi Arthur Waskow, author of God Wrestling.

A Murder at Armageddon (2015)

A Murder at Armageddon

Best book that sets Yeshua in his times, culture, and ecosystem…

Judas Thomas Mysteries Book One

A.K.A. Chisti (Neil Douglas-Klotz0

“gripping…mesmerizingly real…” –Kirkus Reviews

A novel set in the world of the Aramaic Jesus and his contemporaries. Renegade scribes, revolutionary cells, temple spies, oppressive tyrants, and visionary prophets and priestesses collide in this historical mystery novel of the volatile first century in the Middle East.

Blessings of the Cosmos (2006)

Ebook only–superceded by Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus

In Blessings of the Cosmos, published in 2006, Neil investigates Jesus’ best-loved benedictions, including: invocations of light, joy, peace, and faith in the Beatitudes in Luke, and Jesus’ last messages to the disciples, including the “great commandment” on love, the “many mansions” teaching, and the blessing of “greater works.”

Ebook from Sounds True.

Prayers of the Cosmos (1990)

Prayers of the Cosmos

The book that launched Neil’s Aramaic Jesus work…

Presents the Lord’s Prayer and Beatitudes in new, multi-layered, interpretive translations. Foreword by Matthew Fox.

“Here we find a Lord’s Prayer and Beatitudes that call even the most agnostic of ecofeminists and deep ecologists to reverence–and to a glad reconnection with the forgotten roots of our shared culture. Breathe a sigh of relief as you open Prayers of the Cosmos! It is high time we reclaimed the ecstatic love of creation that is at the heart of Jesus’ mission and message.” Joanna Macy

Native Middle Eastern and Sufi Paths and Practice

The Little Book of Sufi Stories (2018)

“If you want to hear a good story, but prefer to read it instead, then read Neil Douglas-Klotz….heart-pleasing, often humorous, yet soul-searching Sufi stories.” — Maryam Mafi

“In addition to sharing serious lessons, Douglas-Klotz includes a host of popular, humorous characters that many readers will recognize—particularly Mullah Nasruddin, whose capers are well-known throughout the Muslim world…. This sampler of Sufi wisdom is a must-read for anyone interested in non- Western folktales.” –Publishers Weekly

The Sufi Book of Life (2005)

Offers a fresh translation and interpretation of the fundamental spiritual practice found in all ancient and modern Sufi schools — the meditations on the 99 Qualities of Unity (asma al husna), along with contemplations for each.

“One of the outstanding books I always keep at hand…these 99 doors open to a palace.” –Elif Shafak, author of The Forty Rules of Love.

“Written simply, tenderly, and with great wisdom.” —Charlotte Kasl, author of A Home for the Heart.

Desert Wisdom (2010)

Part oracle, part meditation book, and part Aladdin’s cave of myth and sacred story, Desert Wisdom offers a fresh way to hear the ancient visionary voices of the Middle East, applied to life’s big questions.

“Weaves ancient sacred messages by the golden thread of unity…open this book anywhere and discover delightful inner openings.” –Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri

“Read this book aloud. Let the sounds wrap around your heart.” –Carolyn McVickar Edwards, author of The Return of the Light

The Tent of Abraham (2006)

The Tent of Abraham

by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Joan Chittister, OSB and Murshid Saadi Shakur Chishti (with a foreword by Karen Armstrong)

“People really must read this book, for the choice of interpreting our three faiths as the grounds for war or for peace is nothing less than a choice between life and death.” — Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff

 Three key religious thinkers write about the story of Abraham as a way to deepen Muslim, Christian, and Jewish understanding.
Hardback, Paperback. Beacon Press.

Gardens of Vision and Initiation (2020)

The Life Journey of Samuel L. Lewis

“Takes us on the inner and outer journey of this remarkable man, who left us with the gift of the Dances of Universal Peace, and the living grace of a soul who embraced both love and pain in service to God.” –Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee

An autobiography selected from letters, papers, diaries and recordings, edited and with notes by Neil Douglas-Klotz. Completely revised with new material from Samuel Lewis’ writings on spiritual activism, plus the real origin of the Dances of Universal Peace.
Paperback, ebook.

Illuminating the Shadow (2016)

“A book of subtle messages that will challenge and inspire any serious seeker, regardless of ethnic or religious background.” –Muneera Haeri

“Thanks to this saavy presentation of his writings, Moineddin’s vision can now light the way for many more seekers.” –W.A. Mathieu

Sufi  and interspiritual writings of Moineddin Carl Jablonski (1942-2001), the spiritual successor of Samuel L. Lewis.
Paperback and also on Kindle ebook.

The Heart of the Quran (Lex Hixon 2003)

“Beautifully wrought and piercingly true.” — Ken Wilbur

An Introduction to Islamic Spirituality.
In this new edition, Neil Douglas-Klotz has rearranged Lex Hixon’s poetic meditations on passages in the Qur’an thematically and provided commentary for each major theme.

Paperback, ebook.

Interspiritual Wisdom 

Wild Wisdom (2020)

Zen Masters, Mountain Monks, and Rebellious Eccentrics Reflect on the Healing Power of Nature

“Voices that speak across the centuries are those of the forest, the waters, the mountains, and the desert.” –M. Amos Clifford

Ecologists, scientists, mystics and artists speak wild wisdom from their experiences within the consciousness of nature itself. An inter-spiritual feast of nature mysticism.

Paperback and ebook, published by Hampton Roads.

Gardens of Vision and Initiation (2020)

The Life Journey of Samuel L. Lewis

“Takes us on the inner and outer journey of this remarkable man, who left us with the gift of the Dances of Universal Peace, adn the living grace of a soul who embraced both love and pain in service to God.” –Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee

An autobiography selected from letters, papers, diaries and recordings, edited and with notes by Neil Douglas-Klotz. Completely revised with new material from Samuel Lewis’ writings on spiritual activism, plus the real origin of the Dances of Universal Peace.

A Book of Self Re-education

The Structure and Functions of the Human Body as an Instrument of Expression

by Raden Ayou Jodjana

“Clear teaching from a clearly realized being…guiding us step-by-step into a fully embodied spirituality.” –Neil Douglas-Klotz

A treasure house for all who wish to explore the creative essence of life in the substances of their bodily form. Presents a step-by-step retreat for continual renewal and awakening. From one of the first students of Hazrat Inayat Khan.

The Tent of Abraham (2006)

The Tent of Abraham

by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Joan Chittister, OSB and Murshid Saadi Shakur Chishti (with a foreword by Karen Armstrong)

“People really must read this book, for the choice of interpreting our three faiths as the grounds for war or for peace is nothing less than a choice between life and death.” — Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff

 Three key religious thinkers write about the story of Abraham as a way to deepen Muslim, Christian, and Jewish understanding.
Hardback, Paperback. Beacon Press.

New Editions of the Essential Writings of Kahlil Gibran

Little Book of Life (2018)

Arranged by themes in native Middle Eastern spirituality. In this volume the theme of life, in all its meanings. Here are over 100 fables, aphorisms, parables, stories, and poems from the author of The Prophet.
Paperback, Hampton Roads.

Little Book of Love (2018)

Kahlil Gibran’s aphorisms, stories, and poetry on the theme of relationships, in all their complexity. Some of these remain among some of those best known to Western readers, others will be surprising and even shocking. Paperback, Hampton Roads.

Little Book of Secrets (2019)

This book is a collection of Gibran’s words on life’s big questions and the mysteries of the spiritual path. Contains his deepest insights drawn from native Middle Eastern spirituality.

Paperback, Hampton Roads.

Little book of Wisdom (2019)

This final volume in the series contains Gibran’s wisdom for daily life, as well his comments on living in both community and in solitude. Both contain their challenges and opportunities, allowing us to become more complete human beings.

Paperback, Hampton Roads.