Desert Wisdom
Southwest Asian Nomadic Spirituality
and the Evolution of Consciousness
Through the internet and mass media, we know more and more about what happens all over the planet. At the same time, we may feel more helpless to do anything about it—rootless and unconnected. There seems to be no certainty, except for the certainty of change.
Ancient Middle Eastern (Southwest Asian) peoples, being nomadic, knew much about change. The essence of their spirituality arose before settlement and civilization. They became experts in things like hospitality, interdependence and connection to the natural world. Within all the perpetual changes of life, they intuited and visioned stories and wisdom about what connects everything—an underlying and overarching Unity.
In the West, only some ancient Middle Eastern voices have been considered “primitive.” Through the lens of Western philosophy, science and theology, others are regarded as the only source of truth and civilization. These older voices need “re-hearing,” allowing the richness of expression originally there to burst the strait-jackets of institutionalisation. In the ancient Middle Eastern Semitic languages, the distinction between what we call cosmology—our place in the universe—and psychology—our inner state– did not exist. When cosmology meets psychology, then the way we treat ourselves is the way we treat nature and those around us. And vice versa.
–from the introduction to Desert Wisdom

Statues of Goddess Hathor at the Palace of Queen Hatshepsut
photo by Neil Douglas-Klotz
Oil Fields of the Soul:
Neil’s 1995 presentation to the annual conference of the American Association of Humanistic Psychology.
“Each chapter is a marvellous sweep across faiths, history and spiritual exploration and, as in The Hidden Gospel, is embellished by numerous offerings of prayers and meditation. It is this that I like best about Douglas- Klotz’s work–the marriage of theory and practice in an accessible piece of work. The depth and breadth is challenging, stimulating, inspiring and transforming, and it also conveys something of the author’s humility and compassion. It is light years away from fluffy new age texts to comfort the ego, and equally remote from dogma and fundamentalism. Douglas-Klotz is offering a real service to humanity in his work, which is in essence healing work. Again he is to be congratulated on producing such an intelligent, heartfelt and practical guide.”
–Spirituality and Health International (UK), review of Original Meditation
–Brian Swimme, Co-author, with Thomas Berry, of The Universe Story, reviewing Desert Wisdom
Voices of Desert Wisdom
Khalil Gibran's Spiritual, Social and Political Vision
Desert Wisdom Sacred Dance
Western Cosmology and Ecology: Looking Back, Looking Ahead
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Original Meditation (2003, 2016)
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Wild Wisdom (2020)
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The Tent of Abraham (2006)
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