Sufi Ways
The Innumerable Pathways of the Heart
When a Sufi tells a story, no PowerPoint is used, no bullet-pointed thought-nuggets conveyed to be studiously notated. These stories cannot be diced, sliced, parsed or interpreted for their metaphoric or allegorical meaning. In fact, if you tell a Sufi story well, to interpret it would kill it. If I tell you that such and such a character means this, the bird is the soul, the donkey is our ego… blah blah blah. It’s all nonsense.
Like a Zen koan, a real Sufi story allows a person’s innate wisdom to arise from the inside. And wisdom (unlike its poor cousin, the fact or supposed fact) cannot be given like a pill to the merely rational, cognitive side of our minds. That part of our mind—useful in many situations—fixates on a supposed meaning, ideal or principle, then strolls away very happily, completely unchanged in its depths.
In those depths lie all the important feelings, inklings, habits and passions that control most of our lives. When only the modern, surface part of our heart-mind gets involved, even a story told by a Buddha can turn into a tale heard by an idiot, signifying nothing.
–from the introduction to The Little Book of Sufi Stories

Insights of Divinity Through Humanity
A conversation between Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri and Neil Douglas-Klotz (Shaykh Saadi)
Reviews of The Sufi Book of Life:
“It is a real joy to read a contemporary Sufi book that is ALIVE…. With warmth, wisdom, humor and common sense The Sufi Book of Life makes accessible the Sufi path of inner transformation. This valuable book brings alive an ancient tradition of mystical love that is much needed today. Here is practical guidance for any spiritual traveler, pathways to help us uncover the real wonder of our divine nature.”
–Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, author Sufism, the Transformation of the Heart.
“A teacher once told me, ‘You want to be wise too quickly. Take small sips.’ This book reminds us of the small-sip practice of inner patience. Slow down. Open at random once a day. Read three pages. Wait for insight. Breathe.”
–Coleman Barks, author of The Essential Rumi
“At the present time understanding Islam and familiarising oneself with the treasure of the Qur’an are becoming important pursuit in the western societies. There are few books written by western writers and scholars seeking to familiarize the reader with the treasure of Islam as a way of life. This book is one of them.”
–Nahid Angha, Ph.D., Co-Director, International Association of Sufism
“This Olympian book illustrates fundamental historical and contemporary Sufi teachings, which can be traced through religious, mystical, psychological and poetical channels, offering the reader the exceptional privilege of experiencing human and spiritual values of all devotional cultures. Neil Douglas-Klotz, the highly inspired creator of this priceless documentation, has accomplished the great task of drawing esoteric wonders into our daily lives, so that honest seekers on the path of truth may discover the magic jewels which are spread before them.”
–Hazrat Hidayat Inayat-Khan, son of Hazrat Inayat Khan, spiritual director of the Sufi Movement International
Jonah in the Whale: Spiritual Illumination in Islam:
Selected conversations between Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri, Dr. Adnan al Adnani and Neil Douglas-Klotz (Shaykh Saadi) from the SFH Foundation YouTube channel.
The Journey of the Human Soul in the Writings of Hazrat Inayat Khan
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