by Neil Douglas-Klotz | Sep 14, 2022 | News from Abwoon Network, News from Neil
The Aramaic Jesus and World Wisdom: Resources for Burnout, Climate Crisis, and Renewal with Neil Douglas-Klotz andRev. Prof. Stephen Wright, founder of the Sacred Space Foundation in the Lake District, England. Sunday, October 9: 1000-1115 West Coast North...
by Neil Douglas-Klotz | Aug 25, 2022 | News from Abwoon Network, News from Neil
The Aramaic Jesus and the Cosmic Christ: Enduring Lessons for a World in Confusion Live video conversation online between Dr. Matthew Fox and Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz. A pre-launch event for the release of Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus (October 1). Sunday, September...
by Neil Douglas-Klotz | Jul 13, 2022 | News from Neil
Dear Friends, Requesting a favour here: now would be a good time to pre-order your copy of Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus (that is, if you were going to order it anyway!). This will help the book both in its advance ratings and foreign rights sales. I find the...
by Neil Douglas-Klotz | Jul 4, 2022 | News from Neil
A group that has been running for decades–you are welcome to join: Initial video practice from Neil One week of doing the chant and meditation on your own. One week of sharing based on the practice in relation to one’s life in the private Desert Flowers...
by Neil Douglas-Klotz | Jun 3, 2022 | News from Abwoon Network, News from Neil
Coming up at the end of the month–our online European Sufi Summer School for this year: “The Real That Remains.” What many of us considered ‘normal’ is no longer so, both due to the pandemic as well as other world events, particularly climate change and now the...
by Neil Douglas-Klotz | May 25, 2022 | News from Abwoon Network, News from Neil
Registration closes on Friday…. How can we reclaim our original nature (called fitra in the Qur’an and “original nature” in Zen) when the artificial is all around us? It seems we are constantly looking for clarity and “meaning” in distorted mirrors. Tasnim...
by Neil Douglas-Klotz | Apr 28, 2022 | News from Neil
Dear Friends, Sorry for the multiple defective posts earlier today! We have been launching the new Abwoon website, and there were a few bugs to work out! When you have a chance, please head over to the site, and you’ll find many new resources, as well as some...
by Neil Douglas-Klotz | Apr 28, 2022 | News from Neil
How do we feel when we’re at a crossroads, between going forward and going back? Or between what seem like two bad alternatives, or two good ones? On May 15, I’ll be getting together with my longtime friend Brother Joseph Kilikevice, founder of the Shem Interfaith...
by Neil Douglas-Klotz | Dec 31, 2021 | News from Abwoon Network, News from Neil
Next year marks the 40th anniversary of the beginning of my public Aramaic Jesus work with the chants and dances to the Aramaic Prayer of Jesus. It was a trip that has taken me literally around the world. Many of you have written to me to say how understanding Jesus’...
by Neil Douglas-Klotz | Nov 26, 2021 | News from Abwoon Network, News from Neil, Uncategorized
December 2, beginning 1700 UK time. Organised by the Beyond Initiative. See below for details and to register. We don’t know if there will be recordings, so if you want to join, please register at the link in our calendar listing here:...